Package 'genio'

Title: Genetics Input/Output Functions
Description: Implements readers and writers for file formats associated with genetics data. Reading and writing Plink BED/BIM/FAM and GCTA binary GRM formats is fully supported, including a lightning-fast BED reader and writer implementations. Other functions are 'readr' wrappers that are more constrained, user-friendly, and efficient for these particular applications; handles Plink and Eigenstrat tables (FAM, BIM, IND, and SNP files). There are also make functions for FAM and BIM tables with default values to go with simulated genotype data.
Authors: Alejandro Ochoa [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alejandro Ochoa <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-07 22:29:12 UTC

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Count the number of lines of a file


This function returns the number of lines in a file. It is intended to result in fast retrieval of numbers of individuals (from FAM or equivalent files) or loci (BIM or equivalent files) when the input files are extremely large and no other information is required from these files. This code uses C++ to quickly counts lines (like linux's wc -l but this one is cross-platform).


count_lines(file, ext = NA, verbose = TRUE)



The input file path to read (a string).


An optional extension. If NA (default), file is expected to exist as-is. Otherwise, if file doesn't exist and the extension was missing, then this extension is added.


If TRUE (default), writes a message reporting the file whose lines are being counted (after adding extensions if it was needed).


Note: this function does not work correctly with compressed files (they are not uncompressed prior to counting newlines).


The number of lines in the file.


# count number of individuals from an existing plink *.fam file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.fam', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
n_ind <- count_lines(file)

# count number of loci from an existing plink *.bim file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bim', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
m_loci <- count_lines(file)

Delete all GCTA binary GRM files


This function deletes each of the GCTA binary GRM files (grm.bin, grm.N.bin, and extensions) given the shared base file path, warning if any of the files did not exist or if any were not successfully deleted.





The shared file path (excluding extensions: grm.bin, grm.N.bin, or




# if you want to delete "data.grm.bin", "data.grm.N.bin" and "", run like this:
# delete_files_grm("data")

# The following example is more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create *temporary* files to actually delete

# create dummy GRM files
file <- tempfile('delete-me-test') # no extension
# add each extension and create empty files
file.create( paste0(file, '.grm.bin') )
file.create( paste0(file, '.grm.N.bin') )
file.create( paste0(file, '') )

# delete the GRM files we just created

Delete PHEN files


This function deletes a PHEN files given the base file path (without extension), warning if the file did not exist or if it was not successfully deleted.





The base file path (excluding phen extension).




# if you want to delete "data.phen", run like this:
# delete_files_phen("data")

# The following example is more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create a *temporary* file to actually delete

# create dummy PHEN files
file <- tempfile('delete-me-test') # no extension
# add extension and create an empty file
file.create( paste0(file, '.phen') )

# delete the PHEN file we just created

genio (GENetics I/O): A package for reading and writing genetics data


This package fully supports reading and writing Plink BED/BIM/FAM and GCTA GRM files, as illustrated below. These functions make it easy to create dummy annotation tables to go with simulated genotype data too. Lastly, there is functionality to read and write Eigenstrat tables.


Maintainer: Alejandro Ochoa [email protected] (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:


# read existing BED/BIM/FAM files

# first get path to BED file
file <- system.file( "extdata", 'sample.bed', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE )

# read genotypes and annotation tables
plink_data <- read_plink( file )
# genotypes
X <- plink_data$X
# locus annotations
bim <- plink_data$bim
# individual annotations
fam <- plink_data$fam

# the same works without .bed extension
file <- sub( '\\.bed$', '', file ) # remove extension
plink_data <- read_plink( file )

# write data into new BED/BIM/FAM files
file_out <- tempfile( 'delete-me-example' )
write_plink( file_out, X, bim, fam )

# delete example files when done
delete_files_plink( file_out )

# read sample GRM files
file <- system.file( "extdata", 'sample.grm.bin', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE )
file <- sub( '\\.grm\\.bin$', '', file ) # remove extension from this path on purpose
obj <- read_grm( file )
# the kinship matrix
kinship <- obj$kinship
# the pair sample sizes matrix
M <- obj$M
# the fam and ID tibble
fam <- obj$fam

# write data into new GRM files
write_grm( file_out, kinship, M = M, fam = fam )

# delete example files when done
delete_files_grm( file_out )

# other functions not shown here allow reading and writing individual files,
# creating dummy tables to go with simulated genotypes,
# requiring the existence of these files,
# and reading and writing of Eigenstrat tables too.

Convert a genotype matrix from numeric to character codes


Given the genotype matrix X and bim table (as they are parsed by read_plink(), this outputs a matrix of the same dimensions as X but with the numeric codes (all values in 0, 1, 2) translated to human-readable character codes (such as 'A/A', 'A/G', 'G/G', depending on which are the two alleles at the locus as given in the bim table, see return value).


geno_to_char(X, bim)



The genotype matrix. It must have values only in 0, 1, 2, and NA.


The variant table. It is required to have the same number of rows as X, and to have at least two named columns alt and ref (alleles 1 and 2 in a plink BIM table). These alleles can be arbitrary strings (i.e. not just SNPs but also indels, any single or multicharacter code, or even blank strings) except the forward slash character ("/") is not allowed anywhere in these strings (function stops if a slash is present), since in the output it is the delimiter string. ref and alt alleles must be different at each locus.


The genotype matrix reencoded as strings. At one locus, if the two alleles (alt and ref) are 'A' and 'B', then the genotypes in the input are encoded as characters as: 0 -> 'A/A', 1 -> 'B/A', and 2 -> 'B/B'. Thus, the numeric encoding counts the reference allele dosage. NA values in input X remain NA in the output. If the input genotype matrix had row and column names, these are inherited by the output matrix.

See Also

read_plink(), read_bed(), read_bim().


# a numeric/dosage genotype matrix with two loci (rows)
# and three individuals (columns)
X <- rbind( 0:2, c(0, NA, 2) )
# corresponding variant table (minimal case with just two required columns)
bim <- tibble( alt = c('C', 'GT'), ref = c('A', 'G') )

# genotype matrix translated as characters
X_char <- geno_to_char( X, bim )

Reencode a Plink BED file to (twice) heterozygote indicators


Given an existing plink-formatted BED (binary) file, this function reads it, transforms genotypes on the go, and writes a new BED file such that heterozygotes are encoded as 2 and homozygotes as 0. In other words, it transforms the numerical genotype values c( 0, 1, 2, NA ) into c( 0, 2, 0, NA ). Heterozygotes are encoded as 2, rather than 1, so existing code for calculating allele frequencies and related quantities, such as kinship estimates, works on this data as intended. Intended to transform extremely large files that should not be loaded entirely into memory at once.


  m_loci = NA,
  n_ind = NA,
  make_bim_fam = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE



Input file path. *.bed extension may be omitted (will be added automatically if file doesn't exist but file.bed does).


Output file path. *.bed extension may be omitted (will be added automatically if it is missing).


Number of loci in the input genotype table. If NA, it is deduced from the paired *.bim file


Number of individuals in the input genotype table. If NA, it is deduced from the paired *.fam file


If TRUE, create symbolic links (using symlink()) for the output file's *.bim and *.fam that link to the corresponding input files. Otherwise only the *.bed file is created.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the files being read and written to (after autocompleting the extension).

See Also

read_bed() and write_bed(), from which much of the code of this function is derived, which explains additional BED format requirements.


# define input and output, both of which will also work without extension
# read an existing Plink *.bed file
file_in <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bed', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
# write to a *temporary* location for this example
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example')

# in default mode, deduces dimensions from paired *.bim and *.fam tables
het_reencode_bed( file_in, file_out )

# delete output when done
delete_files_plink( file_out )

Convert an Eigenstrat IND tibble into a Plink FAM tibble


This function takes an existing IND tibble and creates a FAM tibble with the same information and dummy values for missing data. In particular, the output FAM tibble will contain these columns with these contents (IND only contain id, sex, and label, so there is no loss of information):

  • fam: IND label

  • id: IND id

  • pat: 0 (missing paternal ID)

  • mat: 0 (missing maternal ID)

  • sex: IND sex converted to Plink integer codes via sex_to_int()

  • peno: 0 (missing phenotype)





The input Eigenstrat IND tibble to convert.


A Plink FAM tibble.

See Also


Eigenstrat IND format reference:

Plink FAM format reference:


# create a sample IND tibble
ind <- tibble(
  id = 1:3,
  sex = c('U', 'M', 'F'),
  label = c(1, 1, 2)
# convert to FAM
fam <- ind_to_fam(ind)
# inspect:

Create a Plink BIM tibble


This function simplifies the creation of Plink BIM-formatted tibbles, which autocompletes missing information if a partial tibble is provided, or generates a completely made up tibble if the number of individuals is provided. The default values are most useful for simulated genotypes, where IDs can be made up but must be unique, and there are no chromosomes, positions, or particular reference or alternative alleles.


make_bim(tib, n = NA)



The input tibble (optional). Missing columns will be autocompleted with reasonable values that are accepted by Plink and other external software. If missing, all will be autocompleted, but n is required.


The desired number of loci (rows). Required if tib is missing; otherwise it is ignored.


Autocompleted column values:

  • chr: 1 (all data is on a single chromosome)

  • id: 1:n

  • posg: 0 (missing)

  • pos: 1:n

  • ref: 1

  • alt: 2

Note that n is either given directly or obtained from the input tibble.


The input tibble with autocompleted columns and columns in default order, or the made up tibble if only the number of individuals was provided. The output begins with the standard columns in standard order: chr, id, posg, pos, ref, alt. Additional columns in the input tibble are preserved but placed after the standard columns.

See Also

Plink BIM format reference:


# create a synthetic tibble for 10 loci
# (most common use case)
bim <- make_bim(n = 10)

# manually create a partial tibble with only chromosomes defined
bim <- tibble(chr = 0:2)
# autocomplete the rest of the columns
bim <- make_bim(bim)

Create a Plink FAM tibble


This function simplifies the creation of Plink FAM-formatted tibbles, which autocompletes missing information if a partial tibble is provided, or generates a completely made up tibble if the number of individuals is provided. The default values are most useful for simulated genotypes, where IDs can be made up but must be unique, and there are no parents, families, gender, or phenotype.


make_fam(tib, n = NA)



The input tibble (optional). Missing columns will be autocompleted with reasonable values that are accepted by Plink and other external software. If missing, all will be autocompleted, but n is required.


The desired number of individuals (rows). Required if tib is missing; otherwise it is ignored.


Autocompleted column values:

  • fam: 1:n

  • id: 1:n

  • pat: 0 (missing)

  • mat: 0 (missing)

  • sex: 0 (missing)

  • pheno: 0 (missing)

Note that n is either given directly or obtained from the input tibble.


The input tibble with autocompleted columns and columns in default order, or the made up tibble if only the number of individuals was provided. The output begins with the standard columns in standard order: fam, id, pat, mat, sex, pheno. Additional columns in the input tibble are preserved but placed after the standard columns.

See Also

Plink FAM format reference:


# create a synthetic tibble for 10 individuals
# (most common use case)
fam <- make_fam(n = 10)

# manually create a partial tibble with only phenotypes defined
fam <- tibble(pheno = 0:2)
# autocomplete the rest of the columns
fam <- make_fam(fam)

Read a genotype matrix in Plink BED format


This function reads genotypes encoded in a Plink-formatted BED (binary) file, returning them in a standard R matrix containing genotypes encoded numerically as dosages (values in c( 0, 1, 2, NA )). Each genotype per locus (m loci) and individual (n total) counts the number of reference alleles, or NA for missing data. No *.fam or *.bim files are read by this basic function. Since BED does not encode the data dimensions internally, these values must be provided by the user.


  names_loci = NULL,
  names_ind = NULL,
  m_loci = NA,
  n_ind = NA,
  ext = "bed",
  verbose = TRUE



Input file path. *.bed extension may be omitted (will be added automatically if file doesn't exist but file.bed does). See ext option below.


Vector of loci names, to become the row names of the genotype matrix. If provided, its length sets m_loci below. If NULL, the returned genotype matrix will not have row names, and m_loci must be provided.


Vector of individual names, to become the column names of the genotype matrix. If provided, its length sets n_ind below. If NULL, the returned genotype matrix will not have column names, and n_ind must be provided.


Number of loci in the input genotype table. Required if names_loci = NULL, as its value is not deducible from the BED file itself. Ignored if names_loci is provided.


Number of individuals in the input genotype table. Required if names_ind = NULL, as its value is not deducible from the BED file itself. Ignored if names_ind is provided.


The desired file extension (default "bed"). Ignored if file points to an existing file. Set to NA to force file to exist as-is.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the file being read (after autocompleting the extension).


The code enforces several checks to validate data given the requested dimensions. Errors are thrown if file terminates too early or does not terminate after genotype matrix is filled. In addition, as each locus is encoded in an integer number of bytes, and each byte contains up to four individuals, bytes with fewer than four are padded. To agree with other software (plink2, BEDMatrix), byte padding values are ignored (may take on any value without causing errors).

This function only supports locus-major BED files, which are the standard for modern data. Format is validated via the BED file's magic numbers (first three bytes of file). Older BED files can be converted using Plink.


The m-by-n genotype matrix.

See Also

read_plink() for reading a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

geno_to_char() for translating numerical genotypes into more human-readable character encodings.

Plink BED format reference:


# first obtain data dimensions from BIM and FAM files
# all file paths
file_bed <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bed', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
file_bim <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bim', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
file_fam <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.fam', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
# read annotation tables
bim <- read_bim(file_bim)
fam <- read_fam(file_fam)

# read an existing Plink *.bim file
# pass locus and individual IDs as vectors, setting data dimensions too
X <- read_bed(file_bed, bim$id, fam$id)

# can specify without extension
file_bed <- sub('\\.bed$', '', file_bed) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file_bed # verify .bed is missing
X <- read_bed(file_bed, bim$id, fam$id) # loads too!

Read Plink *.bim files


This function reads a standard Plink *.bim file into a tibble with named columns. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently.


read_bim(file, verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected *.bim extension, the function adds the .bim extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after *.bim extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A tibble with columns: chr, id, posg, pos, alt, ref.

See Also

read_plink() for reading a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

Plink BIM format references:


# to read "data.bim", run like this:
# bim <- read_bim("data")
# this also works
# bim <- read_bim("data.bim")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing Plink *.bim file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.bim', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
bim <- read_bim(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.bim$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .bim is missing
bim <- read_bim(file) # loads too!

Read Plink eigenvec file


This function reads a Plink eigenvec file, parsing columns strictly. First two must be 'fam' and 'id', which are strings, and all remaining columns (eigenvectors) must be numeric.


  ext = "eigenvec",
  plink2 = FALSE,
  comment = if (plink2) "" else "#",
  verbose = TRUE



The input file path, potentially excluding extension.


File extension (default "eigenvec") can be changed if desired. Set to NA to force file to exist as-is.


If TRUE, the header is parsed and preserved in the returned data. The first two columns must be FID and IID, which are mandatory.


A string used to identify comments. Any text after the comment characters will be silently ignored. Passed to readr::read_table(). '#' (default when plink2 = FALSE) works for Plink 2 eigenvec files, which have a header lines that starts with this character (the header is therefore ignored). However, plink2 = TRUE forces the header to be parsed instead.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


A list with two elements:

  • eigenvec: A numeric R matrix containing the parsed eigenvectors. If plink2 = TRUE, the original column names will be preserved in this matrix.

  • fam: A tibble with two columns, fam and id, which are the first two columns of the parsed file. These column names are always the same even if plink2 = TRUE (i.e. they won't be FID or IID).

See Also

write_eigenvec() for writing an eigenvec file.

Plink 1 eigenvec format reference:

Plink 2 eigenvec format reference:

GCTA eigenvec format reference:


# to read "data.eigenvec", run like this:
# data <- read_eigenvec("data")
# this also works
# data <- read_eigenvec("data.eigenvec")
# either way you get a list with these two items:
# numeric eigenvector matrix
# data$eigenvec
# fam/id tibble
# data$fam

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing *.eigenvec file created by GCTA
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample-gcta.eigenvec', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
data <- read_eigenvec(file)
# numeric eigenvector matrix
# fam/id tibble

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.eigenvec$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .eigenvec is missing
data <- read_eigenvec(file) # load it anyway!

# read an existing *.eigenvec file created by Plink 2
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample-plink2.eigenvec', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
# this version ignores header
data <- read_eigenvec(file)
# numeric eigenvector matrix
# fam/id tibble

# this version uses header
data <- read_eigenvec(file, plink2 = TRUE)
# numeric eigenvector matrix
# fam/id tibble

Read Plink *.fam files


This function reads a standard Plink *.fam file into a tibble with named columns. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently.


read_fam(file, verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected *.fam extension, the function adds the .fam extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after *.fam extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A tibble with columns: fam, id, pat, mat, sex, pheno.

See Also

read_plink() for reading a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

Plink FAM format reference:


# to read "data.fam", run like this:
# fam <- read_fam("data")
# this also works
# fam <- read_fam("data.fam")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing Plink *.fam file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.fam', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
fam <- read_fam(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.fam$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .fam is missing
fam <- read_fam(file) # load it anyway!

Read GCTA GRM and related plink2 binary files


This function reads a GCTA Genetic Relatedness Matrix (GRM, i.e. kinship) set of files in their binary format, returning the kinship matrix and, if available, the corresponding matrix of pair sample sizes (non-trivial under missingness) and individuals table. Setting some options allows reading plink2 binary kinship formats such as "king" (see examples).


  n_ind = NA,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ext = "grm",
  shape = c("triangle", "strict_triangle", "square"),
  size_bytes = 4,
  comment = "#"



The base name of the input files. Files with that base, plus shared extension (default "grm", see ext below), plus extensions .bin, .N.bin, and .id are read if they exist. Only ⁠.<ext>.bin⁠ is absolutely required; ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ can be substituted by the number of individuals (see below); ⁠.<ext>.N.bin⁠ is entirely optional.


The number of individuals, required if the file with the extension ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ is missing. If the file with the ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ extension is present, then this n_ind is ignored.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the files being loaded.


Shared extension for all three inputs (see name above; default "grm"). Another useful value is "king" for KING-robust estimates produced by plink2. If NA, no extension is added. If given ext is also present at the end of name, then it is not added again.


The shape of the information to read (may be abbreviated). Default "triangle" assumes there are n*(n+1)/2 values to read corresponding to the upper triangle including the diagonal (required for GCTA GRM). "strict_triangle" assumes there are n*(n-1)/2 values to read corresponding to the upper triangle excluding the diagonal (best for plink2 KING-robust). Lastly, "square" assumes there are n*n values to read corresponding to the entire square matrix, ignoring symmetry.


The number of bytes per number encoded. Default 4 corresponds to GCTA GRM and plink2 "bin4", whereas plink2 "bin" requires a value of 8.


Character to start comments in ⁠<ext>.id⁠ file only. Default "#" helps plink2 .id files (which have a header that starts with "#", which is therefore ignored) be read just like plink1 and GCTA files (which do not have a header).


A list with named elements:

  • kinship: The symmetric n-times-n kinship matrix (GRM). Has IDs as row and column names if the file with extension ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ exists. If shape='strict_triangle', diagonal will have missing values.

  • M: The symmetric n-times-n matrix of pair sample sizes (number of non-missing loci pairs), if the file with extension ⁠.<ext>.N.bin⁠ exists. Has IDs as row and column names if the file with extension ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ was available. If shape='strict_triangle', diagonal will have missing values.

  • fam: A tibble with two columns: fam and id, same as in Plink FAM files. Returned if the file with extension ⁠.<ext>.id⁠ exists.

See Also


Greatly adapted from sample code from GCTA:


# to read "data.grm.bin" and etc, run like this:
# obj <- read_grm("data")
# obj$kinship # the kinship matrix
# obj$M       # the pair sample sizes matrix
# obj$fam     # the fam and ID tibble

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing set of GRM files
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.grm.bin', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
file <- sub('\\.grm\\.bin$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
obj <- read_grm(file)
obj$kinship # the kinship matrix
obj$M       # the pair sample sizes matrix
obj$fam     # the fam and ID tibble

# Read sample plink2 KING-robust files (several variants).
# Read both base.king.bin and files.
# All generated with "plink2 <input> --make-king <options> --out base"
# (replace "base" with actual base name) with these options:
# #1) "triangle bin"
# data <- read_grm( 'base', ext = 'king', shape = 'strict', size_bytes = 8 )
# #2) "triangle bin4"
# data <- read_grm( 'base', ext = 'king', shape = 'strict' )
# #3) "square bin"
# data <- read_grm( 'base', ext = 'king', shape = 'square', size_bytes = 8 )
# #4) "square bin4"
# data <- read_grm( 'base', ext = 'king', shape = 'square' )

Read Eigenstrat *.ind files


This function reads a standard Eigenstrat *.ind file into a tibble. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently.


read_ind(file, verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected *.ind extension, the function adds the .ind extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after *.ind extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A tibble with columns: id, sex, label.

See Also

Eigenstrat IND format reference:


# to read "data.ind", run like this:
# ind <- read_ind("data")
# this also works
# ind <- read_ind("data.ind")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing Eigenstrat *.ind file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.ind', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
ind <- read_ind(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.ind$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .ind is missing
ind <- read_ind(file) # load it anyway!

Read a numerical matrix file into an R matrix


Reads a matrix file under strict assumptions that it is entirely numeric and there are no row or column names present in this file. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently. Intended for outputs such as those of admixture inference approaches.


read_matrix(file, ext = "txt", verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected extension (see ext below), the function adds the extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after the extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


The desired file extension. Ignored if file points to an existing file. Set to NA to force file to exist as-is.


If TRUE (default) function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A numeric matrix without row or column names.

See Also

write_matrix(), the inverse function.


# to read "data.txt", run like this:
# mat <- read_matrix("data")
# this also works
# mat <- read_matrix("data.txt")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing matrix *.txt file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample-Q3.txt', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
mat <- read_matrix(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.txt$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .txt is missing
mat <- read_matrix(file) # load it anyway!

Read *.phen files


This function reads a standard *.phen file into a tibble. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently. GCTA and EMMAX use this format.


read_phen(file, verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected *.phen extension, the function adds the .phen extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after *.phen extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A tibble with columns: fam, id, pheno.

See Also

GCTA PHEN format reference:


# to read "data.phen", run like this:
# phen <- read_phen("data")
# this also works
# phen <- read_phen("data.phen")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing plink *.phen file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.phen', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
phen <- read_phen(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.phen$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .phen is missing
phen <- read_phen(file) # load it anyway!

Read Eigenstrat *.snp files


This function reads a standard Eigenstrat *.snp file into a tibble. It uses readr::read_table() to do it efficiently.


read_snp(file, verbose = TRUE)



Input file (whatever is accepted by readr::read_table()). If file as given does not exist and is missing the expected *.snp extension, the function adds the .snp extension and uses that path if that file exists. Additionally, the .gz extension is added automatically if the file (after *.snp extension is added as needed) is still not found and did not already contain the .gz extension and adding it points to an existing file.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being loaded (after autocompleting the extensions).


A tibble with columns: id, chr, posg, pos, ref, alt

See Also

Eigenstrat SNP format reference:


# to read "data.snp", run like this:
# snp <- read_snp("data")
# this also works
# snp <- read_snp("data.snp")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# read an existing Eigenstrat *.snp file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.snp', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
snp <- read_snp(file)

# can specify without extension
file <- sub('\\.snp$', '', file) # remove extension from this path on purpose
file # verify .snp is missing
snp <- read_snp(file) # load it anyway!

Require that GCTA binary GRM files are present


This function checks that each of the GCTA binary GRM files (grm.bin, grm.N.bin, and extensions) are present, given the shared base file path, stopping with an informative message if any of the files is missing. This function aids troubleshooting, as various downstream external software report missing files differently and sometimes using confusing or obscure messages.





The shared file path (excluding extensions: grm.bin, grm.N.bin, or




# to require all of "data.grm.bin", "data.grm.N.bin", and "", run like this:
# (stops if any of the three files is missing)
# require_files_grm("data")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# check that the samples we want exist
# start with bed file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.grm.bin', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
# remove extension
file <- sub('\\.grm\\.bin$', '', file)
# since all sample.grm.{bin,N.bin,id} files exist, this will not stop with error messages:

Require that PHEN file is present


This function checks that the PHEN file is present, given the base file path, stopping with an informative message if the file is missing. This function aids troubleshooting, as various downstream external software report missing files differently and sometimes using confusing or obscure messages.





The base file path (excluding phen extensions).




# to require "data.phen", run like this:
# (stops if file is missing)
# require_files_phen("data")

# The following example is more awkward
# because package sample data has to be specified in this weird way:

# check that the samples we want exist
# get path to an existing phen file
file <- system.file("extdata", 'sample.phen', package = "genio", mustWork = TRUE)
# remove extension
file <- sub('\\.phen$', '', file)
# since sample.phen file exist, this will not stop with error messages:

Convert integer sex codes to character codes


This function accepts the integer sex codes accepted by Plink and turns them into the character codes accepted by Eigenstrat. Only upper-case characters are returned. Cases outside the table below are mapped to U (unknown) with a warning. The correspondence is:

  • 0: U (unknown)

  • 1: M (male)

  • 2: F (female)





Integer vector of sex codes


The converted character vector of sex codes

See Also


Eigenstrat IND format reference:

Plink FAM format reference:


# verify the mapping above
sex_int <- 0:2
sex_char <- c('U', 'M', 'F') # expected values
    sex_to_char( sex_int ) == sex_char

Convert character sex codes to integer codes


This function accepts the character sex codes accepted by Eigenstrat and turns them into the integer codes accepted by Plink. Matching is case insensitive. Cases outside the table below are mapped to 0 (unknown) with a warning. The correspondence is:

  • U: 0 (unknown)

  • M: 1 (male)

  • F: 2 (female)





Character vector of sex codes


The converted numeric vector of sex codes

See Also


Eigenstrat IND format reference:

Plink FAM format reference:


# verify the mapping above
sex_char <- c('U', 'm', 'f') # mixed case works!
sex_int <- 0:2 # expected values
    sex_to_int( sex_char ) == sex_int

Create a tidy version of a kinship matrix


A square symmetric kinship matrix is transformed into a tibble, with a row per unique element in the kinship matrix, and three columns: ID of row, ID of column, and the kinship value.


tidy_kinship(kinship, sort = TRUE)



The n-by-n symmetric kinship matrix


If TRUE (default), rows are sorted ascending by kinship value. Otherwise, order is moving along the upper triangle row-by-row


A tibble with n * ( n + 1 ) / 2 rows (the upper triangle, including the diagonal), and 3 columns with names: id1, id2, kinship.


# create a symmetric matrix
kinship <- matrix(
        0.5, 0.1, 0.0,
        0.1, 0.5, 0.2,
        0.0, 0.2, 0.6
    nrow = 3
# add names (best for tidy version)
colnames(kinship) <- paste0('pop', 1:3)
rownames(kinship) <- paste0('pop', 1:3)
# this returns tidy version
kinship_tidy <- tidy_kinship( kinship )
# test colnames
stopifnot( colnames( kinship_tidy ) == c('id1', 'id2', 'kinship') )
# test row number
stopifnot( nrow( kinship_tidy ) == 6 )
# inspect it

Write a genotype matrix into Plink BED format


This function accepts a standard R matrix containing genotypes (values in c( 0, 1, 2, NA )) and writes it into a Plink-formatted BED (binary) file. Each genotype per locus (m loci) and individual (n total) counts the number of alternative alleles or NA for missing data. No *.fam or *.bim files are created by this basic function.


write_bed(file, X, verbose = TRUE, append = FALSE)



Output file path. .bed extension may be omitted (will be added automatically if it is missing).


The m-by-n genotype matrix. Row and column names, if present, are ignored.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


If TRUE, appends variants onto the file. (Default is FALSE).


Genotypes with values outside of [0, 2] cause an error, in which case the partial output is deleted. However, beware that decimals get truncated internally, so values that truncate to 0, 1, or 2 will not raise errors. The BED format does not accept fractional dosages, so such data will not be written as expected.



See Also

write_plink() for writing a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

Plink BED format reference:


# to write an existing matrix `X` into file "data.bed", run like this:
# write_bed("data", X)
# this also works
# write_bed("data.bed", X)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.bed') # will also work without extension
# create 10 random genotypes
X <- rbinom(10, 2, 0.5)
# replace 3 random genotypes with missing values
X[sample(10, 3)] <- NA
# turn into 5x2 matrix
X <- matrix(X, nrow = 5, ncol = 2)
# write this data to file in BED format
# (only *.bed gets created, no *.fam or *.bim in this call)
write_bed(file_out, X)
# delete output when done

Write Plink *.bim files


This function writes a tibble with the right columns into a standard Plink *.bim file. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently.


write_bim(file, tib, verbose = TRUE, append = FALSE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected *.bim extension, the function adds it.


The tibble or data.frame to write. It must contain these columns: chr, id, posg, pos, alt, ref. Throws an error if any of these columns are missing. Additional columns are ignored. Columns are automatically reordered in output as expected in format.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


If TRUE, appends rows onto the file. (Default is FALSE).


The output tib invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

write_plink() for writing a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

Plink BIM format references:


# to write an existing table `bim` into file "data.bim", run like this:
# write_bim("data", bim)
# this also works
# write_bim("data.bim", bim)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy tibble with the right columns
tib <- tibble(
    chr = 1:3,
    id = 1:3,
    posg = 0,
    pos = 1:3,
    alt = 'B',
    ref = 'A'
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.bim') # will also work without extension
# write the table out in *.bim format (no header, columns in right order)
write_bim(file_out, tib)

# example cleanup

Write eigenvectors table into a Plink-format file


This function writes eigenvectors in Plink 1 (same as GCTA) format (table with no header, with first two columns being fam and id), which is a subset of Plink 2 format (which optionally allows column names and does not require fam column). Main expected case is eigenvec passed as a numeric matrix and fam provided to complete first two missing columns. However, input eigenvec may also be a data.frame already containing the fam and id columns, and other reasonable intermediate cases are also handled. If both eigenvec and fam are provided and contain overlapping columns, those in eigenvec get overwritten with a warning.


  fam = NULL,
  ext = "eigenvec",
  plink2 = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



The output file name (possibly without extension)


A matrix or tibble containing the eigenvectors to include in the file. Column names other than fam and id can be anything and are all treated as eigenvectors (not written to file).


An optional fam table, which is used to add the fam and id columns to eigenvec (which overwrite columns of the same name in eigenvec if present, after a warning is produced). Individuals in fam and eigenvec are assumed to be the same and in the same order.


Output file extension. Since the general "covariates" file format in GCTA and Plink are the same as this, this function may be used to write more general covariates files if desired, in which case users may wish to change this extension for clarity.


If TRUE, prints a header in the style of plink2 (starts with hash, fam -> FID, id -> IID, and the default PCs are named PC1, PC2, etc. Returned data.frame will also have these names.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


Invisibly, the final eigenvec data.frame or tibble written to file, starting with columns fam and id (merged from the fam input, if it was passed) followed by the rest of columns in the input eigenvec. Column names are instead ⁠#FID⁠, IID, etc if plink2 = TRUE.

See Also

read_eigenvec() for reading an eigenvec file.

Plink 1 eigenvec format reference:

Plink 2 eigenvec format reference:

GCTA eigenvec format reference:


# to write an existing matrix `eigenvec` and optional `fam` tibble into file "data.eigenvec",
# run like this:
# write_eigenvec("data", eigenvec, fam = fam)
# this also works
# write_eigenvec("data.eigenvec", eigenvec, fam = fam)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create dummy eigenvectors matrix, in this case from a small identity matrix
# number of individuals
n <- 10
eigenvec <- eigen( diag( n ) )$vectors
# subset columns to use top 3 eigenvectors only
eigenvec <- eigenvec[ , 1:3 ]
# dummy fam data
fam <- tibble( fam = 1:n, id = 1:n )

# write this data to .eigenvec file
# output path without extension
file <- tempfile('delete-me-example')
eigenvec_final <- write_eigenvec( file, eigenvec, fam = fam )
# inspect the tibble that was written to file (returned invisibly)

# remove temporary file (add extension before deletion)
file.remove( paste0( file, '.eigenvec' ) )

Write Plink *.fam files


This function writes a tibble with the right columns into a standard Plink *.fam file. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently.


write_fam(file, tib, verbose = TRUE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected *.fam extension, the function adds it.


The tibble or data.frame to write. It must contain these columns: fam, id, pat, mat, sex, pheno. Throws an error if any of these columns are missing. Additional columns are ignored. Columns are automatically reordered in output as expected in format.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


The output tib invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

write_plink() for writing a set of BED/BIM/FAM files.

Plink FAM format reference:


# to write an existing table `fam` into file "data.fam", run like this:
# write_fam("data", fam)
# this also works
# write_fam("data.fam", fam)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy tibble with the right columns
tib <- tibble(
    fam = 1:3,
    id = 1:3,
    pat = 0,
    mat = 0,
    sex = 1,
    pheno = 1
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.fam') # will also work without extension
# write the table out in *.fam format (no header, columns in right order)
write_fam(file_out, tib)
# delete output when done

Write GCTA GRM and related plink2 binary files


This function writes a GCTA Genetic Relatedness Matrix (GRM, i.e. kinship) set of files in their binary format, given a kinship matrix and, if available, the corresponding matrix of pair sample sizes (non-trivial under missingness) and individuals table. Setting some options allows writing plink2 binary kinship formats such as "king" (follow examples in read_grm()).


  M = NULL,
  fam = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  ext = "grm",
  shape = c("triangle", "strict_triangle", "square"),
  size_bytes = 4



The base name of the output files. Files with that base, plus shared extension (default "grm", see ext below), plus extensions .bin, .N.bin, and .id may be created depending on the data provided.


The symmetric n-times-n kinship matrix to write into file with extension ⁠.<ext>.bin⁠.


The optional symmetric n-times-n matrix of pair sample sizes to write into file with extension ⁠.<ext>.N.bin⁠.


The optional data.frame or tibble with individual annotations (columns with names fam and id, subset of columns of Plink FAM) to write into file with extension ⁠.<ext>.id⁠. If fam is NULL but kinship has non-NULL column or row names, these are used as the second (id) value in the output table (the first (fam) column is set to the missing value in this case).


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the files being written.


Shared extension for all three outputs (see name above; default "grm"). Another useful value is "king", to match the KING-robust format produced by plink2. If NA, no extension is added. If given ext is also present at the end of name, then it is not added again.


The shape of the information to write (may be abbreviated). Default "triangle" assumes there are n*(n+1)/2 values to write corresponding to the upper triangle including the diagonal (required for GCTA GRM). "strict_triangle" assumes there are n*(n-1)/2 values to write corresponding to the upper triangle excluding the diagonal (best for plink2 KING-robust). Lastly, "square" assumes there are n*n values to write corresponding to the entire square matrix, ignoring symmetry.


The number of bytes per number encoded. Default 4 corresponds to GCTA GRM and plink2 "bin4", whereas plink2 "bin" requires a value of 8.

See Also



# to write existing data `kinship`, `M`, and `fam` into files "data.grm.bin" etc, run like this:
# write_grm("data", kinship, M = M, fam = fam )

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create dummy data to write
# kinship for 3 individuals
kinship <- matrix(
        0.6, 0.2, 0.0,
        0.2, 0.5, 0.1,
        0.0, 0.1, 0.5
    nrow = 3
# pair sample sizes matrix
M <- matrix(
        10, 9, 8,
         9, 9, 7,
         8, 7, 8
    nrow = 3
# individual annotations table
fam <- tibble(
    fam = 1:3,
    id = 1:3
# dummy files to write and delete
name <- tempfile('delete-me-example') # no extension
# write the data now!
write_grm( name, kinship, M = M, fam = fam )
# delete outputs when done
delete_files_grm( name )

Write Eigenstrat *.ind files


This function writes a tibble with the right columns into a standard Eigenstrat *.ind file. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently.


write_ind(file, tib, verbose = TRUE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected *.ind extension, the function adds it.


The tibble or data.frame to write. It must contain these columns: id, sex, label. Throws an error if any of these columns are missing. Additional columns are ignored. Columns are automatically reordered in output as expected in format.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


The output tib invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

Eigenstrat IND format reference:


# to write an existing table `ind` into file "data.ind", run like this:
# write_ind("data", ind)
# this also works
# write_ind("data.ind", ind)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy tibble with the right columns
tib <- tibble(
    id = 1:3,
    sex = 1,
    label = 1
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.ind') # will also work without extension
# write the table out in *.ind format (no header, columns in right order)
write_ind(file_out, tib)
# delete output when done

Write a matrix to a file without row or column names


The inverse function of read_matrix(), this writes what is intended to be a numeric matrix to a tab-delimited file without row or column names present. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently. Intended for outputs such as those of admixture inference approaches.


write_matrix(file, x, ext = "txt", verbose = TRUE, append = FALSE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected extension (see below), the function adds it.


The matrix to write. Unlike read_matrix(), this is not in fact required to be a matrix or be strictly numeric; anything that coerces to tibble or data.frame is acceptable.


The desired file extension. If NA, no extension is added. Works if file already contains desired extension.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


If TRUE, appends rows onto the file. (Default is FALSE).


The output x, coerced into data.frame, invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

read_matrix(), the inverse function.


# to write an existing matrix `x` into file "data.txt", run like this:
# write_matrix( "data", x )
# this also works
# write_matrix( "data.txt", x )

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy matrix with the right columns
x <- rbind( 1:3, (0:2)/10, -1:1 )
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.txt') # will also work without extension
# write the matrix without header
write_matrix( file_out, x )
# delete output when done
file.remove( file_out )

Write *.phen files


This function writes a tibble with the right columns into a standard *.phen file. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently. GCTA and EMMAX use this format.


write_phen(file, tib, verbose = TRUE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected *.phen extension, the function adds it.


The tibble or data.frame to write. It must contain these columns: fam, id, pheno. Throws an error if any of these columns are missing. Additional columns are ignored. Columns are automatically reordered in output as expected in format.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


The output tib invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

GCTA PHEN format reference:


# to write an existing table `phen` into file "data.phen", run like this:
# write_phen("data", phen)
# this also works
# write_phen("data.phen", phen)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy tibble with the right columns
tib <- tibble(
    fam = 1:3,
    id = 1:3,
    pheno = 1
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.phen') # will also work without extension
# write the table out in *.phen format (no header, columns in right order)
write_phen(file_out, tib)
# delete output when done

Write Eigenstrat *.snp files


This function writes a tibble with the right columns into a standard Eigenstrat *.snp file. It uses readr::write_tsv() to do it efficiently.


write_snp(file, tib, verbose = TRUE)



Output file (whatever is accepted by readr::write_tsv()). If file is missing the expected *.snp extension, the function adds it.


The tibble or data.frame to write. It must contain these columns: id, chr, posg, pos, ref, alt. Throws an error if any of these columns are missing. Additional columns are ignored. Columns are automatically reordered in output as expected in format.


If TRUE (default), function reports the path of the file being written (after autocompleting the extension).


The output tib invisibly (what readr::write_tsv() returns).

See Also

Eigenstrat SNP format reference:


# to write an existing table `snp` into file "data.snp", run like this:
# write_snp("data", snp)
# this also works
# write_snp("data.snp", snp)

# The following example is more detailed but also more awkward
# because (only for these examples) the package must create the file in a *temporary* location

# create a dummy tibble with the right columns
tib <- tibble(
    id = 1:3,
    chr = 1:3,
    posg = 0,
    pos = 1:3,
    ref = 'A',
    alt = 'B'
# a dummy file
file_out <- tempfile('delete-me-example', fileext = '.snp') # will also work without extension
# write the table out in *.snp format (no header, columns in right order)
write_snp(file_out, tib)
# delete output when done